Dassanayake Lab
Bioinformatics tools
- CLfinder-OrthNet (2018): a comparative genomics toolbox to (1) encode co-linearity among orthologous gene loci in multiple genomes as networks of orthologs (OrthNets) and (2) systematically detect gene loci with a shared evolutionary history using OrthNet topology search. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/236299 & downloaded from GitHub
- GOMCL (2019): a Python tool for Gene Ontology gene sets clustering (source code: )
- PiP (2021): Tool for phylogenetically informed Profiling analysis
Bioinformatics resources
Genome Assembly and Annotation
Schrenkiella parvula Version 2.2 (formerly Thellungiella parvula or Eutrema parvula)
Genome assembly: Genome sequence (fasta)
Genome annotation: CDS (fasta), Protein (fasta), Gene models and TEs (gff)
Schrenkiella parvula Version 2.0 (Apr. 2014)
Genome assembly: Genome sequence (fasta)
Genome annotation: CDS (fasta), Protein (fasta), Gene models and TEs (gff)
Notes on the update:
- Genome contig/scaffolds and gene models renamed reflecting the chromosome model.
- Redundant genome contig/scaffolds were removed.
Schrenkiella parvula Version 1.0 (Aug. 2011) (Dassanayake et al., 2011)
Genome assembly: Genome sequence (fasta)
Genome annotation: CDS (fasta)
Gene expression browser for Schrenkiella parvula transcriptome atlas
RNAseq and Transcriptome Data
1. Cell type-specific responses to salinity- the epidermal bladder cell transcriptome of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (Oh et al., 2015)
RNAseq reads (SRA links)
Reference transcriptome assembly (fasta)
RNAseq results (xlsx, Oh et al. 2015)
2. Genome structures and transcriptomes signify niche adaptation for the multiple-ion-tolerant extremophyte Schrenkiella parvula (Oh et al., 2014)
RNAseq reads (root and shoot, A. thaliana and S. parvula) (SRA links)
RNAseq results and structural variation information (xlsx, Oh et al. 2014)
S. parvula genome version 2.0 (see above) was used for this study.